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    All about Full dentures or False teeth! What are Complete dentures ?  Complete dentures are the removable prosthesis which is used when all the teeth are lost from the jaw and need to be replaced. It is basically a tissue supported denture which is given to people who have an adequate amount of ridge and soft tissue in their mouth.  How complete dentures are supported in your mouth ? Complete dentures are supported in your mouth on the basis of various tooth forces which help in stabilising the dentures properly . Since these dentures are seated on the oral mucosa and tissues which are under constant action of the oral…

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    Dental imaging techniques :

    So basically whoever is at this article needs to find some information about what does imaging mean and Where they can go for it ?! Today’s dental can provide you with all the stuffs you are looking for and even more than that! So let’s get into it so that we can help our readers in understanding what is Imaging in dentistry first ?!  Well it is a very wide field where nowadays there are various innovations in imaging going on thus helping dentists in easy detection and diagnosis of the pathology in any tooth.  So , how imaging in dentistry helps ?  Imaging is nothing but radiation of X…

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    Mouth Ulcers :

    Mouth ulcers are nothing but little eruptions or vesicles in the mouth which becomes painful for the individual whilst engaging in their daily routine that includes eating, drinking or brushing their teeth. They are harmless and occurs on the gums or the mucosa of the mouth.  Mouth ulcers are generally self resisting and get cleared within 2 weeks. if these ulcers are present for more than 3 weeks then a proper consultation from the doctor is required. they are generally recurring in nature, it keeps coming and going on its own. A common time is when you quit smoking or have acidic foods more often then you might have it.…

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    Dental pain : A common problem solved.

    Ever had a severe tooth pain that kept you writhing in pain all day and night? You aren’t the first and you won’t be the last person to experience this.  What is Dental pain? Dental pain or toothache is a kind of pain felt in your teeth or the jaws when the nerves of the tooth are initiated. It commonly occurs while eating or at night spontaneously. It does not appear to have a proper origin when asked from the patient as the whole area pains and sometimes appear swollen as well.  Why does tooth pain occur? Tooth pain occurs due to inflammation of the central portion of tooth I.e…

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    Have Caries but still want to eat chocolates? Not a problem!

    Nowadays every person, be it a child or an adult suffers from caries. Decaying of the tooth is the most common problem faced by a majority of people.  So what is tooth decay and how does it occur? Tooth decay is the destruction of our tooth parts like enamel, dentin because of bacterial colonization in the tooth. The sticky film of plaques gets formed on your teeth after you eat and drink anything. The bacteria from the plaque then attack the tooth by forming acid from the debris in your mouth and thus dissolution or destruction of the tooth starts occurring. Do you know how dentists treat tooth decay?  The…

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    Effects of Alcohol on your teeth:

    Alcoholic beverages are not limited to a particular season or month,its the most favourite drinks of all time which people of all ages are having in different forms from so long. Although these beverages , if taken in moderation limits the harm but if are taken in excessive amount then can be detrimental to the body for example liver failure or sugar imbalance. But do you know it has equal effects on your teeth and gums  as well ? If you are interested to know then stick with us till the end . So, who are moderate drinkers ? Women having one drink per day or men having two drinks…

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    Ever heard of Enamel Erosion ?

    Do you guys know what is the hardest tissue present in the human body ? ENAMEL! Yes it is tougher than anything present ! It is present as the outer layer of your teeth which protects it from any damage chemical or physical. Thus it is the primary covering which comes in contact with various substances in the mouth. Enamel erosion is said to occur when this layer or the enamel undergoes wear and tear.  It can lead to many problems so let’s discuss that first !  Symptoms:  It can lead to cracks in your teeth or chipping of the teeth.the teeth basically becomes weak thus it is vulnerable to…

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    Healthy foods for your Healthy teeth !

    As we all know, diet has a major role in our body because what goes in is manifestated on the outside. So did you know , there are many foods which your mouth most probably prefers to have so as to keep that perfect smile of yours in check ! ? Yes!Here we are today to know how foods can help in keeping your mouth healthy ?  As we all know having a good oral hygiene is the most primary thing in this process . Brushing regularly and flossing helps in removal of all the sugars , plaques and debris which can lead to periodontal diseases or cavities. Thus just…

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    Dental Implants : Your ideal partners!

    Dental implants are the new discovery in the dental field which has modernised the treatment plan for people with complaint of missing tooth.  An implant is positioned in your mouth in the jaw bones which takes up the replaceable tooth. These are highly recommended for people who have good periodontal and bony support in their oral cavity. So if you are a potential patient for such treatments then let us share some more knowledge about Dental implants with you!  Do you know what are the parts of an Implant? An implant has various parts but we will tell you broadly about three parts which are as follows :  – the…

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