Partnership Opportunities

Partnering to elevate your practice. Enhancing your equity in innovative ways.

Don’t just take our word for it. Affiliated Affordable Dentures & Implants practice owners, have plenty to say about what gets them excited to come to the practice every day.Learn more

Don’t just take our word for it. Affiliated Affordable Dentures & Implants practice owners, have plenty to say about what gets them excited to come to the practice every day. When you become an affiliated practice owner, Affordable Care,Learn more

We are a DPO (Dental Partnership Organization) not a DSO.Todays Dental Services which is our DSO organization provides the following services. Please visit for our service offerings.Learn more

No matter where your practice falls in terms of its current lifecycle, Today’s Dental Partners offers thoughtful solutions that are aligned with the real needs of your business, your life and your future.

TDS has a solid track record of partnering with like-minded dental practices, large or small. The value propositions we provide are designed to help build a healthy and enduring practice,with the potential to realize equity well beyond the limits of a traditional practice.

Retirement Transitions

If you’re beginning to think about retirement and succession, Today’s Dental Partners has proven strategies to simplify and ease the process — while helping you to fully leverage the equity of your life’s work.

The traditional model of transitioning a dental practice to an associate is both complicated and risky. TDS provides a less risky retirement strategy. We close quickly without any requirement for seller financing. We also provide proven transition processes and resources, and most importantly, a clinical transition plan that meets your needs.

Merging With A Group

 Today’s Dental Partners is expert at arranging mergers/acquisitions that are mutually beneficial to both parties, if you’re a solo practitioner in mid-career — or a small group practice with limited resources.

Looking For A Business Partner

Maybe your group practice has reached a plateau, and you’re in need of a business partner to re-ignite your group’s growth and brand development. At Today’s Dental Partners, our unparalleled depth and breadth of real-world expertise, our technology and our capital are decided advantages for dental groups looking to extend their reach.

Interested In Affiliation?

To arrange a confidential initial discussion, and to explore the possibilities, tell us a little about your practice and your current needs.